Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Wins VGAs ‘Best Shooter’

After all of the debates, arguments, and sales numbers, it's officially be decided.  Well, that's if you consider Spike's Video Game Awards official.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was officially crowned as the "Best Shooter", beating out DICE's Battlefield 3Modern Warfare 3 also beat out RAGE and Gears of War 3.

Activision graciously accepted the award…sort of.

"This is amazing; especially in a year like this when we have so many good games coming out this year, especially mulitplayer games, like Gears of War."

I found it a little tacky that they didn't even mention the biggest rival this year, Battlefield 3.  But I guess when you encourage trash talking in your trailers this type of thing should be expected.

While Activision's Modern Warfare 3 already won the sales battle, it's still easy to argue that Battlefield 3 could be the better shooter, and I'm sure the argument will continue to rage on.  What do you think?  Did the right game win?