Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered datamining reveals hidden items; Could come in Infinite Warfare DLC

Boom. Heartbeat sensors.

A few rumors have been going around since December that suggests Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered will be getting an update to add new weapons, dual-wielding, and attachments. A new Reddit post is backing up previous claims, but like most things on the internet – you need to handle rumors with a grain of salt.

However, it should be noted that previous datamining confirmed items headed to Modern Warfare Remastered ahead of the December update that brought them!

Redditors MrEarthboundFanSemyel, and TailsDoll553 have been datamining Modern Warfare Remastered and have discovered a number of items that could be coming to the game in Infinite Warfare's big January update. Below you'll find what was recently revealed with datamining.

As far as the attachments go, it looks like Modern Warfare Remastered could be getting a Heartbeat Sensor, Holosight, Thermal Vision, Tactical Knife and more. The Pastebin of the leak detailed the following items:

  • akimbomwr
  • heartbeatmwr
  • holosightmwr
  • longbarrelmwr
  • reflexvarmwr
  • tacknifemwr
  • thermalmwr
  • varzoommwr
  • xmagmwr

The datamine has detailed the XMLAR Battleworn, as seen below:a


As well as the Kam 12 Ethereal, as seen below:


In addition to all this, the datamining revealed animation file names for Dual Wielding Pistols.