Capcom’s poster child next-gen project Deep Down has raised more than a few eyebrows with its free-to-play philosophy. In a recent shareholder meeting, the company took the time to explain the game’s approach, and why they feel it will benefit the game over traditional pricing.
“We understand that there are some risks,” a company rep said, “partly because Deep Down is our first free-to-play game for a next-generation console. But we believe that risk taking to some extent is required in part because this title is the starting point for our growth in content sales for next-generation consoles.
“Furthermore, a business model in which we do not simply sell games has the advantage of giving us access to feedback from users. We are able to use that information to solve issues, so we plan to refine and update Deep Down for some time.”
Capcom went on to confirm that they have yet to decide on a launch date for the game, and that they anticipate Deep Down’s earnings to come into play only in the fiscal year following its launch. It’s unsurprising that the studio doesn’t expect immediate return from a free title, but the fact that earnings will be delayed speaks to the role of microtransactions in-game.
[Capcom via Siliconera]