Capcom’s expensive restructuring plan costs it several unannounced games

Capcom is concentrating on a tight business strategy, and that means squashing projects that aren't compatible.

The company has canceled a few overseas projects "due to delays in responding to the digital contents and the resulting inability to address market needs."

Some executives have clarified these statements, saying that outsourcing work to third-party developers is no longer on the agenda. Instead, Capcom wants to "strengthen digital strategies" and "raise game quality by moving more game development in-house."

It's just a shame that it had to cut several unannounced games as part of this restructuring process, which will cost about $73 million.

The Osaka-based publisher has revised its forecast for the end of the financial year (March 31). It expects profits to amount to half of what it previously thought.

Capcom expects the current financial year, ending April 2014, to be a bigger success.

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