Capcom to celebrate 30 years of existence with a special ‘digital cabinet collection’

Nostalgia: it’s a word we in the video game industry use quite frequently, but what does it really mean? Webster’s Dictionary defines it as, “excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition,” but in the gaming sense, we’ll just define it as, “wishing you could go back to a time in gaming that was really freaking awesome.” Throughout the years, Capcom has produced a number of titles that one can deem “nostalgia worthy,” and it looks like wishing will become a reality.

According to the newest issue of Famitsu magazine, Capcom is prepping to announce a new downloadable strategy for their classic arcade titles for XBLA and PSN to celebrate the company’s 30th anniversary: Capcom Arcade Cabinet: Retro Game Collection. According to the magazine, the titles will be primarily from the 1980’s, with the first installment revealed: Black Tiger from 1987.

"I can't go into details on titles yet," said Capcom producer Kenji Kataoka, "but we're definitely focusing on the games that came out earlier on in our history. These are completely faithful reproductions, too. You used to have arcade games ported to the NES and such and wind up being completely different titles on that platform, but that's not the case here. Even if there were bugs in the original, we've kept them in there if we felt we needed to in order to retain the original feel of the game."

According to Capcom, players will have the ability to customize portions of each title’s gameplay, or as many old-school fans know it be: dipswitch:

"You can adjust the strength of your attacks, the range of collision detection, and so forth. This allows you to engage in training, and we've got support for turbo buttons and arcade sticks as well,” explained Kataoka in the Famitsu feature.

30 years of anything is worth celebrating, and it looks like Capcome is going about it in the right way. Can any of you think of a 1980’s title from the company that you’d like to see in the digital collection? Let us know by commenting below.

Source: [GameInformer]