Capcom is working on a new 3DS mystery adventure game designed by the Resident Evil: Deadly Silence director, Minoru Nakai, and scenario writer for 428 and Okamiden, Yukinori Kitajama. According to Siliconera, the “mystery adventure” game is set in the Nazo Waku Mansion (which roughly translates to Deluding Mysterious Mansion), and will fully utilize the 3DS console’s sound features. That means no buttons are involved.
The entirety of the game’s controls will be used through the touch screen and microphone, and tilting the console will result in a change of the camera angle courtesy of the 3DS gyro scope. One of the coolest features is the ability to talk to characters in-game via the microphone, but whether it legitimately works is another matter. Other than that, not much is known about the title other than it has a graphic style similar to that of D, a survival horror game released in 1995 by WARP.
Capcom announced at the start of the year that the company would be releasing two new IPs before summer and that they’d surprise the gaming world. Given the hype surrounding the 3DS and its technology, a new IP for the system is the perfect way to foster a new cash flow for Capcom, providing all goes well. The console’s features open up many new opportunities for studios, and it’s only a matter of time before somebody comes out with another way to make good use of one.
Nazo Waku Mansion (Deluding Mysterious Mansion) has no release date in the West yet, but Japan will be getting the game this summer.