Carmageddon, originally released in 1997, was Stainless Games' homage to the classic 1970's David Carradine movie, Death Race 2000. Boasting an array of rampaging vehicles and weapons, it awarded points depending on the amount of destruction caused to both property and civilians.
The publisher has just announced they would be launching the next game in the series, Carmageddon: Max Damage, scheduled to release on Playstation 4 and X-Box One summer of this year. Along with its usual smorgasborg of mindless mayhem, the game will feature 3 gameplay modes, 30 customizable vehicles, 90 different power-ups, a wide range of open world environments, and battle arenas!
"Welcome to the homicidal world of Carmageddon: Max Damage, the driving game where you gain points by mowing down the local inhabitants and your opponents are a bunch of crazies in a twisted mix of killing machines! With insane PowerUps, surreal environments and a variety of ways to win, it all adds up to endless hours of violent and hilarious FUN."
The previous game, Carmageddon: Reincarnation, was only made possible thanks to the communty support of their crowdfunding efforts. As a result, anyone who purchased Reincarnation on Steam, will also receive the PC port of Max Damage absolutely FREE, once its made available later in the year!