Cave Story Dev Working on iOS Game

Daisuki Amaya, known as Pixel to many, is currently designing a brand new title for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and possibly the iPad. The designer who brought us the highly enjoyable Cave Story told 1UP that he was working on an underwater adventure akin to Ikachan (pictured above), another of Studio Pixel’s highly enjoyable freeware games.

The game, codenamed Rockfish, will star a kasago (a spiky fish with tough scales), and unlike Ikachan, the game will be incredibly challenging right from the start. The first level in the game will be based on one of the earlier areas in Cave Story, but it will be modified to feature underwater elements and plenty of hazards to keep players challenged.

Release and pricing details are currently unknown. We’ll keep you updated on project Rockfish as Studio Pixel reveals more.
