April 7, 2005 – CENEGA PUBLISHING, Prague, Czech Republic:
CENEGA PUBLISHING is pleased to invite you to see its product lineup at E3 2005
in Los Angeles, from May 18-20, 2005. CENEGA PUBLISHING is located in the
West Hall, booth #2152.
CENEGA PUBLISHING will be meeting distributors, developers, associated industry
partners and press representatives. You are warmly invited to talk with a number
of key personnel and experience our current 2005 lineup.
CENEGA PUBLISHING will be displaying and presenting for the first time to the
large public its already well known UFO: Aftershock title.
This combination of a small squad tactical combat and global strategy game is
the sequel to the critically acclaimed and awarded title – UFO: Aftermath.
Its story follows from one of the endings of the first title. You will not only
need to investigate what happened on the Earth fifty years ago but also fight
against new enemies who want the planet for themselves.
The first look opportunity is coming also for another highly anticipated game
from CENEGA PUBLISHING – El Matador. This third person action game with
stealth elements is set in the environment of the Central and South America. As
a special DEA agent you will fight against the dangerous Latin Narcomafia, but
also against the betrayal of his own people. El Matador is a tale of corruption,
revenge, moral ambiguity and ultimate justice.
Also to be shown at CENEGA PUBLISHING booth is an RPG game heading into release
– The Roots. Set in the land of Lorath, plunges the gamer into an ancient
battle of good versus evil, with the main character, Yan, on a quest to defeat
the ancient forces and restore order to the land.
CENEGA PUBLISHING, as an established world publisher, is dedicated to sourcing
quality games for PC and console formats with a focus towards Central European,
as well as worldwide, developers. Main office of operations is centralized in
Prague, Czech Republic. Its satellite offices are based in the UK, Poland, Czech
Republic and Slovakia. For more information on CENEGA PUBLISHING and its
products visit