Challenge Steve Wiebe at PAX for the high score of Fix-It Felix, Jr. and win a free screening to Wreck-It Ralph

Former Donkey Kong world-record holder and star of "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters", Steve Wiebe, will be attending PAX Prime this year in attempt to set the bar on Fix-It Felix, Jr., an arcade game featured in upcoming animated film "Wreck-It Ralph".

Steve Wiebe will play the 8-bit Fix-It Felix game at the event and if you can manage to beat his score, you can win a special private 3D advance screening of the film with 100 friends.

Fix-It Felix, Jr. is now available on the App Store for free, giving you some time to practice before the big event. In the class arcade-style game, you take on the role of Fix-It Felix, Jr. and use his magic hammer to climb a building being destroyed by Wreck-It Ralph. Throughout the 10 levels you must dodge ducks and navigate through other obstacles.

The game was created for "Wreck-It Ralph", a new film that follows the game's "bad guy", Ralph (voiced by John C. Reilly), as he leaves the world of Fix-It Felix, Jr. to set off on a journey to prove he's got what it takes to be a hero. On his quest, he'll adventure into other games and meet a variety of other characters like the tough-as-nails Sergeant Calhoun (voice of Jane Lynch) from the first-person action game Hero's Duty. I see what they did there!

So you think you have what it takes to beat Wiebe? As a little background on him, Steve Wiebe has held the world record scores on the arcade video games Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Junior. PAX attendees will have until 11:59pm on Sunday, September 2, 2012 to beat Wiebe's score.