Check out Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa in Power Rangers reboot

Color me intrigued

People Magazine has revealed the first look of Elizabeth Banks as the classic Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers villain Rita Repulsa. 

Set to release next year, the  Saban Entertainment reboot of the classic 90's TV show cast Banks earlier last year. We've yet to see any photos from the set or live action trailers, but Banks' portrayal is certainly intriguing. She's decked out in an all green outfit with green hair and gold talons as nails. The original Rita wore gold and had black hair, so it's slightly different but appears to hold true to form on her overall appearance. 

Banks stated that "I've never played a villain before," Banks tells PEOPLE in this week's issue, adding that she's looking forward to "world domination – and being unpredictable as a character."  The backstory of the new Rangers will be slightly different than the TV show as they will not all be friends. It's been stated already that they will come together during the film and not all know each other before hand. As a result, Banks said, "We wanted to give her a backstory that connects her to the new Rangers. 

As the resident MMPR head fan here at Gamezone, I'm pretty intrigued how they are going about this reboot. They are keeping true to form on the overall backstory with a slight twist to make it current with the times. As soon as a trailer is released we'll let you know.

Let us know what you think below. For old times sake, I've included the classic intro theme up top for you. 
