"The term “record-setting” doesn’t do our final total justice, nor does incredible, amazing, generous, or overwhelming."
When you hear those words in any instance, you know something good has happened, and in this case it certainly has. According to the wonderful Child's Play charity, 2012 marks their highest fundraising year in their nine years of existence, having brought in a grand total of $5,085,761.
From our own events to a record number of community-run fundraisers (many of which were featured on our new website calendar), we as a group were able to raise an astonishing amount to benefit kids in hospitals, clinics, and domestic violence shelters worldwide. But each and every one of these events requires thousands of volunteers, organizers, and participants, each pouring in late hour after late hour, weekend after weekend, to make these events work.

Child’s Play is fortunate to have this amazing community of generous, engaged individuals who are deeply passionate for the cause. It quite literally would be nothing without your amazing support. From individual donations and wishlist purchases to filling out donation-matching paperwork to even watching and cheering on a marathon, every effort makes a difference.
The charity, which began in 2003, seeks to provide kids in hospitals with toys and games to hopefully improve their stay, and more importantly, take their minds off of surgeries, procedures, and IV's. Throughout each year, the charity hosts a number of events to raise money – money that is eventually handed over to hospitals throughout the country.
To all those who donated, spread word about Child's Play, or took part in Child's Play-related events – you're awesome and you're shaping the lives of kids every day. As it's been said, "Keep on keepin' on."
Source: [Child's Play]