Christian Bale believes he didn’t ‘quite nail’ his role as Batman

I think he did pretty well...

The Dark Knight trilogy is widely considered one of the best series of Batman films that have ever released. The trilogy, directed by Chrisopher Nolan, starred Christian Bale as the big bad bat. However, no matter how many people loved the film, Bale wasn't the biggest fan of his pwn performance.

“I didn’t quite manage what I hoped I would throughout the trilogy,” Bale said to Yahoo. “Chris did, but my own sense of self is like, ‘I didn’t quite nail it.’” Why would Bale, someone considered to have played one of the versions Batman, think this? Apparently it was due to how 'interesting' Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joke was.

“Heath turned up, and just kind of completely ruined all my plans,” said Bale. 'Because I went, 'He’s so much more interesting than me and what I’m doing.’“

Had Bale been able to fully display the character he had in mind, Batman would have been a “very, very, very dark, messed up character.” While Bale looks back at his role, we can't help but look forward to seeing how Ben Affleck's 'sexy' and 'intimidating' Batman does.