City of Villains Enemy Group Update – Coralax Hybrids

City of Villains Enemy Group Update – Coralax

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October 18, 2005 — New Alert –Aggressive and
highly dangerous, Paragon scientists have begun to study a strange new creature
appearing along the coastlines of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. Though their
exact genetic makeup has not yet been determined, these creatures appear to be
hybrids, with patches of coral bursting from their previously human flesh. Find
out more about these hybrids and their Coralax creators here.

For millennia, a godlike being as old as the
cosmos itself floated free across the universe. As the fetid swamps of the
Earth’s Cretaceous Period began to recede, this god Merulina crashed into the
turbid waters of the expanding Atlantic. Settling into the ocean depths, the
deity conjured followers, calling forth the Coralax from the incandescent coral
thriving in the warm shallows. Made from coral imbued with Merulina’s divine
essence, the first Coralax were Shapers, high priests meant to lead the
burgeoning Coralax civilization.

Merulina instructed these Shapers, who were
psychically connected to the thoughts and feelings of their god, to construct a
beautiful city over its body now deeply embedded in the ocean floor. The
brilliant multicolor spires and sweeping arches of the city now radiate a
luminous aura from the otherwise blackened depths. This city of coral with a god
at its heart is the enchanted capital of the Coralax Empire.

Extending their control over the oceans of Earth,
the Coralax became masters of the Virtea, a race of humanoid fish creatures that
tend to stay in very deep water. The primitive, nomadic Virtea are not overly
violent but will defend themselves and their loved ones fiercely. Dominated
through a combination of charm, intimidation, and mental strength, the Virtea
serve the will of the Coralax.

In firm control of their watery domain, the
Coralax were suddenly thrust into confusion when the god Merulina fell silent.
As the Shapers cast about with no god to guide them, the threats from the
surface began. At first the surface intrusions were minimal – some fishing boats
crisscrossing far above their cities. Over the following centuries, the surface
dwellers began to encroach upon the Coralax. The surface population multiplied,
cultures advanced, human cities flourished, and the industrialization of the
surface began to seep into the oceans.

In particular, the pollution of their pristine
habitat with toxic waste, oil, and other caustic agents both terrified and
infuriated the Coralax. With no god to direct them, the Coralax began building
watchtowers just off the Earth’s coastlines in order to maintain a vigilant
watch over this growing threat from the surface. As the pollution began to
degrade the very coral from which their bodies were made, the desperate Coralax
began crafting responses to the land-walkers. Some retreated to the ocean
depths. Others took a much more aggressive approach.

On the surface, Longbow operatives have recently
begun to report a strange new creature along the coastlines of Paragon City and
the Rogue Isles. The creatures are aggressive and highly dangerous, but Paragon
City scientists have managed to capture one to determine its origins. Though
their exact genetic makeup has not yet been determined, these creatures appear
to be hybrids, with patches of coral bursting from their previously human flesh.
Shimmering in varied shades of red, blue and green coral, these genetic
monstrosities seem determined to destroy all land-walkers.

Now these hybrids patrol the abandoned coastline,
attacking any creature they encounter on land. The destructive drive of the
Coralax Hybrids may reflect the final strategy of the Coralax as they attempt to
ensure that the land-walkers cease threatening their watery kingdom forever more

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