Clash of Clans update sneak peek #5: Lava Hound revealed, Archer Tower level 13

After teasing a brand new unit unit for Clash of Clans yesterday, Supercell Games today officially unveiled the Lava Hound.

Arriving in the upcoming update, which has been teased all week, the Lava Hound is a "faithful flying unit" that cannot resist chasing after fireworks. What's that mean exactly? Basically, it'll go straight after the nearest Air Defense building. The Lava Hound can be unlocked at Town Hall 9 and is built through the Dark Barracks Level 6, which is also arriving in the new update.

The gameplay video below provides some more details about the new unit, while also showing it in action.

And to combat this new unit, the Archer Tower will also be getting a level 13. 

Other features coming with the new Clash of Clans update, which have also been teased earlier this week, include level 7 Barbarians and Archersreduced Valkyrie training time, the ability to upgrade an entire row of wall pieces in just one go, and the option to upgrade level 6-plus walls with Elixir instead of Gold.

Supercell still hasn't given us a date for when the update will go live, but it feels as though the developer is wrapping up the sneak peeks. What could possibly top this new unit?