To be perfectly honest, Minecraft needs no reviews. What started off as a small indie-PC adventure game by one man, Mr. Markus 'Notch' Persson, has since blossomed into a giant worldwide phenomenon that has attracted millions of gamers. Now available for PC, iOS devices, and Xbox 360, Minecraft is quite the hit, and something that has caught the eye of talk show host Conan O'Brien.
Despite being a few months late, the late night talk show host/comedian Conan O'Brien has finally gotten around to reviewing the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft on his show, Conan.
As part of his "Clueless Gamer" segment Conan O'Brien, who admits to not playing video games, tackles some of the industry's most popular titles. Aaron Bleyaert, part of Team Coco, acts as his guide throughout the process.
When told about the game's primary focus on mining, Conan jabbed, "So it's like we're in Wales in the 19th century and we're desperately poor? What a fun game for kids!"
Before everyone pounces on Conan for his blunt take on Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition, it should be known that this segment is clearly meant as nothing more than a comedic bit aimed at appealing to a younger crowd. O'Brien rates games on an absurd "88 star system" where an 88 is "pretty good", 110 an "excellent", 150 is "awful", and 3 being "not bad".
With all that being said, sit back and enjoy Conan O'Brien as he takes on Minecraft and gives his brutally honest opinion about the game's graphics and gameplay.