Conquer Belial in the third Darksiders 2 DLC release

THQ has unveiled its third downloadable content pack for Darksiders 2.

The Demon Lord Belial, available today, offers players one of their biggest challenges yet, staged on a post-apocalyptic Earth:

Little has been said of the struggles on Earth besides the story given to War by the Charred Council. Rumors have now surfaced that perhaps the Third Kingdom was not completely destroyed and remnants of humanity still yet survive! It falls upon Death to seek out the truth and unearth a forgotten evil … The Demon Lord Belial.

Gamers who bought a season pass can access the content at no extra charge. For the rest of us, the price of taking on the sinister foe on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or PC is $9.99, or 800 Microsoft Points.

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