Couple uses 47,096 beads to make awesome Chrono Trigger mural

I hide nothing; Chrono Trigger is my favorite game of all time.  That is a fact.  So when awesome people come together and make awesome things to honor Chrono Trigger, I can’t help but rant about how awesome they are.  This is a case of that.

A couple made a Chrono Trigger mural out of beads.  OUT OF BEADS!  They had to make individualized panels and melt them together on foamcore to make the final project.  Each panel was 7” x 8” and the final mural was 44” x 39.”  The estimated time for each individual panel took an hour.  The total time of the project took over 2 years and 47,096 beads. 

I say they nailed it.  People just need to keep giving love to Chrono Trigger and continue doing awesome over the top project like this one.  I more than approve, you two are awesome.

See all steps HERE!

Chrono Trigger Beads


Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ