Crazy Xbox fans are cancelling Titanfall 2 pre-orders after developer shows off PS4 disc

Talk about overreaction!

Xbox fans cancel Titanfall 2 pre-orders because producer shows PS4 disc

People can be very "passionate" when it comes to things they love, and video games are no exception to that. Last night, producer of Titanfall 2, Drew McCoy, tweeted out an image of the PS4 disc for the highly anticipated shooter coming out later this month.

Some Xbox fans were stunned that McCoy would show the PS4 version over the Xbox One version (not taking into account that maybe he only had a PS4 copy available at the time or something like that), considering Xbox has the marketing deal for the game. Xbox fans saw it as morally wrong to promote that the game is on another platform on McCoy's personal account and expressed their outrage via tweets, some claimed it was an attack on Xbox. Some went as far as cancelling their pre-orders for the game because they were so outraged!

Former Xbox employee, Eric Neustadter, who asked if he could get a copy on Xbox and McCoy replied saying a green disc isn't as sexy, now of course you can read that as he's attacking Xbox but a green disc is a blank disc with no art on it. McCoy noted that the PS4 copy you see is the first printed retail copy, so there aren't any Xbox versions to show. You can view some of the hilarious reactions below.