Cthulhu Saves the World is awesome and hilarious, and if you haven't already played it, what the hell is wrong with your head, man? Seriously, that game is a riot. And as if funny writing wasn't enough, the turn-based gameplay is also really enjoyable.
If you don't already own it, go buy the game right now. Or if you'd rather wait a few days and you need a mobile or Mac fix, you can snag Cthulhu Saves the World for iOS, Android, and Mac platforms on June 28. The game comes courtesy of developer Zeboyd Games, which is partnering up with TinkerHouse Games to release the ports.
All versions of Cthulhu Saves the World will sport a $1.99 price tag, which is, like, super affordable. For more on the game, check out my review of the PC version right here on GameZone.
For a bunch of nonsensical gibberish, follow @thesanchezdavid on Twitter.