Dan Aykroyd gets new writers for Ghostbusters 3

What's a Ghostbusters movie without Bill Murray? Not a Ghostbusters I want to see, that's for sure. Bill Murray, who's great friends with Dan Aykroyd, has repeatedly said that the script just isn't there for Ghostbusters 3. As someone who's said repeatedly that he wasn't even happy with how Ghostbusters 2 turned out, there's no way he'll ever do a Ghostbusters 3 unless it has an amazing script. From his June 2012 interview on David Letterman, you could tell that he knows how much people want this movie to happen, and I think he wants to do it, but only if the script is really funny.

Well it looks like Dan Aykroyd has heard Bill Murray loud and clear. After rumors that Murray's character of Peter Venkman either would be killed off and become a ghost, or they would recast or not have Venkman, it looks like a new team of writers will be tackling the Ghostbusters 3 script. Gone are Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky — who wrote for The Office, Year One, and Bad Teacher. Those two movies didn't come anywhere close to living up to expectations.

At a recent event, Dan Aykroyd said this regarding Ghostbusters 3:

We've got a new writing staff working on it now. It's got to be perfect. That's the whole thing. There's no point in doing it unless it's perfect. So that's what we're up to now.

Pretty much sounds like what Murray has been saying this whole time. Aykroyd didn't give details about who the new writing team consists of or whether the whole script need rewriting, but at least they're still trying to make this happen — and hopefully with Murray as Venkman.


[Source: Collider]

You can follow Movies and Culture Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ