Sony Online Entertainment has announced that DC Universe Online has reached gold master status (it’s “finished”) and will be available worldwide January 11, 2011, on the PlayStation 3 and Windows PC.
“Creating DC Universe Online has been a massive undertaking, and we’re excited to be that much closer to launch,” said Christopher Cao, Game Director of DCUO for Sony Online Entertainment. “We’re grateful to our beta players for providing us invaluable feedback in these final stages that has enabled us to put the finishing touches on a fun and exciting experience when the game launches in January.”
The PlayStation 3 version will cost $59.99 while the PC version will run $10 cheaper. Both versions include a 30-day game membership, with additional months costing $14.99.
Let’s hope SOE can shake their long-running MMO curse and get it right this time. I actually look forward to fighting alongside Mr. Freeze and Harley Quinn!