Dead Rising 4 is officially no longer a console exclusive. As announced on the PlayStation Blog, the game is coming to PS4 later this year as an all-new edition called Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package. The package (giggity) comes with the base version of the game, plus all of its post-launch DLC, bonus content, and updates.
On top of that, Frank's Big Package will bring a new way to play the game in the form of a Capcom Heroes content pack. Now, players will be able to suit up in various costumes based on classic Capcom characters, including Mega Man and Street Fighter's Cammy. The outfits will come complete with unique abilities, which add new game mechanics to the foray. Here's a screenshot of Mega Man to give you an idea.
Here's the official breakdown of Frank's Big Package courtesy of the PlayStation Blog:
Dead Rising 4: the latest greatest version of the game, including post-launch difficulty settings and upcoming updates.
Capcom Heroes: an all-new way to experience the Dead Rising 4 story that lets our hero Frank West wear over a dozen outfits and perform outrageous special attacks inspired by classic Capcom characters.
All downloadable content: costumes and weapons from the Stocking Stuffer Holiday Pack, additional single player content in Frank Rising and multiplayer action in Super Ultra Dead Rising 4 Mini Golf.
All bonus content: Street Fighter Outfit Pack, My Bloody Valentine Pack, Candy Cane Crossbow, Slicecycle, Sir-Ice-A-Lot, Ugly Winter Sweater, and X-Fists.
Dead Rising 4: Frank’s Big Package releases on December 5th, 2017 and retails for $49.99.
Source: [PlayStation Blog]