Despite Battlefield 4 announcement, DICE not done with Battlefield 3

Earlier today EA confirmed the existence of Battlefield 4, the next installment of DICE's award-winning shooter series. Not only did they confirm the existence, but they announced a new Medal of Honor: Warfighter pre-order incentive which grants access to the Battlefield 4 beta which is set to take place in Fall 2013.

Despite the announcement, however, DICE insists they are not yet finished with Battlefield 3. After all, they still do have additional expansions in the pipeline with Armored Kill, End Game, and Aftermath still scheduled to be released throughout the year.

"We are extremely proud of Battlefield 3, and with millions of fans out there, we’re happy you’re enjoying it too," DICE wrote in a post about the recent Battlefield 4 news. "When we launched the game, we introduced unparalleled levels of in-game destruction, all-out vehicle warfare and redefined online gameplay."

"Even with billions of bullets fired and millions of games played, we know the Battlefield 3 story is still just the beginning," they added. "As ever, we are humbled by the community’s response to the game, and couldn’t be happier with the feedback we have received to Battlefield 3 Premium. With the Back to Karkand and Close Quarters expansion packs already out, Armored Kill around the corner, and End Game and Aftermath still on the horizon, we’re looking forward to many more hours of gameplay with you, and can’t wait to see the stories you will tell through Battlelog and player created videos."

EA's new premium content service, Battlefield 3 Premium, launched in June, giving players the option to make a one-time payment of $49.99 to unlock a slew of Battlefield 3 content including 20 maps, 20 new weapons, 10+ new vehicles, 4 new game modes, 30+ Assignments, and 20+ dog tags. This content is all spread throughout the upcoming content expansions set to release over the next few months.

Next on DICE and EA's agenda is Armored Kill which is set to arrive in September 2012. Following this expansion will be End Game in the winter, and finally Aftermath. With tons of content still planned for Battlefield 3, DICE has emphasized that they are not yet "ready to talk about Battlefield 4."

"We hope you will continue to enjoy Battlefield 3 and all the Battlefield 3 Premium content still to come. We invite you to check out Danger Close Studio’s Medal of Honor Warfighter, which is also powered by the Frostbite 2 engine and the free social network, Battlelog."

"Don’t forget that pre-ordering Medal of Honor Warfighter Limited Edition (at no extra cost) guarantees access to the exclusive Battlefield 4 Beta," DICE concluded.