Bungie's ambitious plans for Destiny will call for a full-fledged sequel. While an inevitable second installment in the behemoth franchise had been long-speculated, Activision officially confirmed it today.
Ahead of its fourth quarter earnings call, the publisher confirmed a "full game sequel" to Destiny will be released in 2017.
Told hold the waning player base over until then, Bungie will introduce a "large new expansion" this year.
Details about either weren't provided, but I'm going to expect both the expansion and the sequel to release later in their respective years.
Destiny enjoyed impressive sales when it first launched back in September 2014, despite the many negative reviews and criticisms players had. Activision and Bungie followed-up with two expansions, but it wasn't until the release of The Taken King in September 2015 that the game was finally deemed worthy.
In its earnings report, Activision revealed that Destiny achieved "record digital attach rates" on The Taken King. The publisher also made note that Destiny's "25+ million registered uses have logged nearly 3 billion hours playing the game."
Since the release of The Taken King , Destiny has been relatively quiet in terms of new content. Sure, we've had some minor events, like December's Sparrow Racing League and the ongoing Valentine's Day-themed event, Crimson Days, but it's been nothing substantial like new strikes, raids, or planets. Hopefully the expansion will act as a temporary bandage while we wait for the full-fledged sequel.
But then one has to ask, are players completely willing to give Destiny another chance or has the hype train left the station?