Destiny 2 gets new holiday themed update with snowball fights and more

'Tis the season.

Destiny 2 launched earlier this year with the approval of hardcore fans and critics and since then the game has received a bunch of content including its first paid expansion. Bungie is ending the year with a bang and releasing one last free update known as The Dawning to celebrate the holidays.

The Dawning will begin on Tuesday, December 19th and will run until Tuesday, January 9th, the update will feature a number of festive activities such as snowball fights. The Tower and The Farm will also be decked out with various decorations like snow, banners, and even a large glowing snowflake-like orb.

The snowball fights will be found in the social hubs and players can even pick up snowballs in strikes and stun enemies with them and deal large amounts of damage to their foes. Furthermore, Mayhem will be featured in The Crucible so all of your abilities will charge much faster during battle.

Players will also be able to earn exclusive items found only during The Dawning such as emblems, sparrows, and legendary armor at Tess’ shop. Players can spend their Bright Dust on these items and her inventory will refresh every week so you’ll have to keep checking in to see what’s new on her shelf.

Destiny 2 gets new holiday themed update with snowball fights and more

Players will also be able to pick up a Dawning Gift Schematic from the Bazaar and craft gifts for different vendors who will give you your own gift in exchange. This will be available throughout every day of the event so keep on giving the gift of giving and you’ll be rewarded for your good deeds.

Destiny 2 is out now on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.