Destiny 2 Has a Hidden Quick Map Feature

How did we live before this...

If you've been playing Destiny 2 and have been forced beyond your will to have to wait for one to two full seconds to open your map, good news, you can do it faster! Some flap jack flipping genius on Reddit has discovered that by pressing both the menu and view buttons (aka start and select) on the Xbox One's controller, it will bring up the map … instantly.

Destiny 2 map

No longer are you forced to wait, for what may feel like an eternity for your map to grace your display's screen. With this trick, you'll be moving fast and saving yourself literally hundreds of seconds a day, which may mean the difference between you hitting level cap before your friends.

Note, we have no idea if this method of hackery works on the PS4, as we have not tried it. If you find that it does, please feel free to comment down below and help your Destiny 2 brethren escape the mundane map checking experience that is found in Destiny 2.

Also, if you're stuck wondering how to activate those awesome public events, be sure to check out our guide. You don't want to miss out on all that loot.