Destiny 2 has an Easter Egg poking fun at player industrial accidents

"Days since last accident"

Destiny 2 is fun enough on its own, but you can never discount the value of the old Easter Egg. Bungie has apparently included a number of them, one of which was discovered by the Twitter user [REZO] Fury which involves the old joke about "X number of days since last accident."

There's a sign in the Hangar, where Cayde-6 and Amanda can be found that reads "Site Safety. Days Since Last Accident" and a big number one right under it. Just for giggles, Fury apparently decided to test a theory and hurled his Guardian off the edge to its death. Upon respawning, the number changed from one to zero.

Here's a screenshot:

This is likely only the beginning of the Easter Egg hunt as Destiny 2 is quite a large game. Another previously discovered Easter Egg was a hidden intro about puppies for one of the game's Strikes, which was quite hilarious to listen to. In more serious Destiny 2 news, if you're looking to hit up Xur this week, here are all of the details you need to know about him.

Destiny 2 is available now on PS4 and Xbox One and will release on PC on October 24th.

[Twitter via GamesRadar]