Destiny developer isn’t ignoring you Xbox owners

With all of the platform exclusive incentives games have these days, it's very easy to feel that your platform of choice is being ignored by a developer. In the case of Bungie's Destiny, one fan asked if the studio will "keep ignoring them" — them being Xbox gamers. Given that the game was showcased at Sony's PS4 announcement event in Feburary 2013 and then again at the company's E3 media briefing, it's not hard to understand how the fan came to that conclusion; but, it's also one that Bungie says just isn't true.

"Who’s ignoring you?" Bungie community manager David Dague responded. "We’re right here; making a game we hope you’ll love. We’re listening to your questions, and answering the ones we can.

"If you’re a gamer who wants to play a Bungie game, you’re very much on our mind – every day," he added.

Destiny is due out on September 9 for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, and Xbox 360. A beta is planned for this summer. It will be open to anyone who pre-orders the game, but PlayStation owners will receive first access. In addition to first dibs on the beta, PS4 owners will also get "exclusive content" for the game. Earlier today, Bungie released a brand new trailer showing off some co-op action in The Devils' Lair.