Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below’s raid, Crota’s End, has been beaten

Time to start finding exploits

Destiny's first expansion, The Dark Below, just released earlier today and we’ve already got our first group of Guardians to complete the new six-player raid, Crota’s End.

According to Bungie, Crota was defeated by seven players in six hours. Sucks to be the Guardian who had to leave mid-raid, but it doesn't look like the reward was that great anyway. Here are the complete stats from the run:

Comparatively, Destiny’s other raid, Vault of Glass, took a whopping ten hours to complete when it first became available. Of course, once players began to learn the intricacies of the raid it became much easier to complete and, in turn, less about simply beating it and more about challenging themselves with things like three-manning Atheon.

I expect similar will happen with Crota’s End once more people start to become familiar with the new raid bosses and mechanics. That, and expect to see glitches and exploits start to pop up because if I’ve learned anything about the Destiny community it’s that they love to find easy ways to farm repetitive content.

Have you attempted Crota's End yet?