Destiny player takes on Crota’s End Hard Mode alone, beats it in 25 minutes

Now he never needs to play again.

Update: Said Warlock, meant Hunter…but wait, he plays as both?

If beating The Order: 1886 in five hours means cancelling your pre-order, then you'll probably want to sell Destiny because someone just completed the game's hardest Raid in just 25 minutes… Solo.

Some people might think the Hunter is the most overpowered class in Destiny, but this solo player, The Legend Himself, used a Sunsinger Warlock/Hunter with Starfire Protocol, Gjallarhorn, Ice Breaker, Red Death, Black Hammer, and a weapon with surplus to complete Crota's End on Hard Mode. The player had some other perks going on (high discipline, Apotheosis Veil, shoot to loot, Fatebringer, etc), but that wasn't what gave him the win nor was it he heavy ammo glitch.

In order do a solo-run of Hard Mode Crota's End with in 25 minutes he had to practice for 'dozens of hours' and the seemingly random aspects of the fight aren't random. It also helps that he's using what he believes is the most OP class in Destiny, the WWarlock/Hunter. We all knew the class would be OP from the very first moment we saw the Destiny trailers (one of the trailers is even arguably better than the game).

Interestingly enough, the Crota fight can actually be influenced by the player through careful gameplay and The Legend Himself definitely influences things.

Here's what he had to say on the fight:

There isn't a single thing I do in the Crota fight that isn't deliberate in some way, and oftentimes the right move had to be made within a matter of seconds. I believe that with perfect gameplay this could be recreated at least once an hour – the fight is relatively consistent, just extremely hard.

Skip to 16:30 if you only want to watch the Crota fight:

Tips for you to do this yourself? Be awesome. Be a Warlock/Hunter.

Thanks for the heads up Mocoworm!

It is fair to switch classes halfway through the raid like he does?

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