Destiny’s latest PlayStation-exclusive content explained

Yep, still

Along with a raft of activity and Crucible changes, Destiny’s long-awaited April update will introduce a new wave of PlayStation-exclusive gear, the arguable highlight of which is the Zen Meteor, a new exotic sniper rifle.

As noted in a recent PlayStation Blog post, the Zen Meteor’s exotic ability is based on its explosive rounds. Its unique skill, “Dynamite with a Laser Beam,” generates a powerful bonus round whenever the user scores rapid kills with every round in the clip. It also has a fancy scope.Destiny’s latest PlayStation-exclusive content explained

In addition to the Zen Meteor, PlayStation Guardians will be treated to the Velumbra sparrow, unlocked through the mission “Fight Fire with Fire.” The quest “Essence of Darkness,” seemingly based on the Dreadnaught’s Court of Oryx activity, will also be exclusive to PS4.

Finally, and least surprisingly, each class will be given a unique armor set on PS4. Like the exclusive gear introduced in The Taken King, the new armor sets, Barkhan Dune I, Long Tomorrow 9G and Jovian Guard, will only be obtainable via Sublime Engrams.

Source: PlayStation Blog

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Austin Wood started working as a writer when he was just 18, and realized he was doing a terrible job at just 20. Several years later, he's confident he's doing a significantly less terrible job. You can connect with him on Twitter @austinwoodmedia.