Since the discovery of Black Spindle in The Taken King's "Lost to Light," players have been scouring Destiny's daily missions for new secrets. Sure enough, a mystery has been uncovered in today's Daily Heroic, "Paradox."
Scattered throughout the mission in the Vault of Glass are three hidden Ghost memories. Once you've collected them all, a previously inactive portal will open up. From there, you'll need to perform a series of precision jumps to make your way to the portal. Once inside, you'll find a secret area containing a giant Vex boss as well as other enemies. The fight doesn't seem too hard, but once you complete it, you'll unlock a chest that contains something called the "Cult Ghost."
At this point, the Cult Ghost doesn't appear too important — you simply take it to Lakshmi-2 in the Tower and he gives you a small reward. While this could just be a fun little Easter Egg from Bungie, some in the community speculate it could lead to something bigger later on. Either way, it seems like a fun challenge and if you want to see the secret area for yourself, just follow the guide from Arekkz Gaming below.