Now that Hunters have been fixed, Trials of Osiris is returning to Destiny today. At 10:00am Pacific (1:00pm Eastern), Brother Vance will return to the Reef with a slightly tweaked competitive events. As Bungie previously explained, update 2.0.1 brought a series of changes to Destiny's PvP endgame. Below are some of the highlights:
- Requires a minimum Character Level of 40
- Requires a minimum Light of 251; Recommended Light is 290
- Winning teams now receive Trials gear rewards directly at the end-of-match completion
- Players that go undefeated on their Passage will continue to be invited to The Lighthouse
- Players may continue to play in the Trials past 9 wins (but rewards are maxed out at 9 wins)
Trials Passages now have a Details page containing your Boons
- Player must now purchase Boons from the Details page on their Passage instead of from Brother Vance
- Boons can no longer be applied to Trials passages after starting a run
- Trials gear can be purchased from Brother Vance (including some items found at the Lighthouse)
- Brother Vance now has Bounties that award Legendary Marks
- Crucible Bounties can now also be completed in Trials of Osiris
- Matchmaking has been updated to make it more competitive to reach The Lighthouse
That last bullet point is pretty vague, so Senior Designer Derek Carroll explained Bungie's thoughts on the Trials of Osiris matchmaking.
The original design for Trials of Osiris employed no skill-matching whatsoever. Instead of expecting teams to win roughly 50% of their games (the goal of most matchmaking systems), you’d expect above-average teams to win and below-average teams to lose. While this was generally interesting, one of the side-effects was that a capable team could breeze though a field of challengers to reach the Lighthouse without really breaking a sweat. PvP Sherpas were even conducting Lighthouse safaris for players who couldn’t get there under their own power.Tomorrow, we’re hoping you’ll find the competition a little fiercer. With the changes we’ve made to matchmaking, there will be a greater chance that the other team will be on the same rung as the ladder as you, making your climb to 9-0 much more meaningful, and those last few matches much more fun for everyone. Well, almost everyone. Half of everyone?
Bungie says those who can go the full distance in Trials of Osiris will receive endgame gear that will rival the Light of gear rewarded when defeating Oryx in King's Fall Hard Mode.