Destiny: The Taken King’s April Update file size, release time detailed

It's coming and it's bringing plenty of stuff with it.

It's finally time for Bungie to release the April Update for Destiny: The Taken King. Guardians have been patiently awaiting new content for the past few months and this update will bring them exactly that – new content.

Bungie has given us a detailed look at the new Sandbox and Crucible changes coming our way, as well as a look at the new items we will be earning through livestreams.

Around 10AM PST / 1PM EST, Guardians will be asked to re-log and doanload a patch, the patch being the April Update. Of course, things may not go as planned – if you aren't notified of an update at 10AM PST, you can expect a notification anywhere between 10AM and noon Pacific.

While you prepare for the update, you might want to know how big it is…

The April Update will be this big:

  • PS4: 1718 MB
  • PS3: 1040 MB
  • Xbox One: 1736 MB
  • Xbox 360: 793 MB
