It's finally time for Bungie to release the April Update for Destiny: The Taken King. Guardians have been patiently awaiting new content for the past few months and this update will bring them exactly that – new content.
Bungie has given us a detailed look at the new Sandbox and Crucible changes coming our way, as well as a look at the new items we will be earning through livestreams.
Around 10AM PST / 1PM EST, Guardians will be asked to re-log and doanload a patch, the patch being the April Update. Of course, things may not go as planned – if you aren't notified of an update at 10AM PST, you can expect a notification anywhere between 10AM and noon Pacific.
While you prepare for the update, you might want to know how big it is…
The April Update will be this big:
- PS4: 1718 MB
- PS3: 1040 MB
- Xbox One: 1736 MB
- Xbox 360: 793 MB