Destiny Weekly Reset (9/22/15): New Nightfall and Prison of Elders Arenas

First weekly reset in Year Two brings big changes

The first weekly reset since the release of Destiny: The Taken King is here. For those of you Taken Tots new to Destiny, each Tuesday the Nightfall and Prison of Elders Arenas are reset with new challenges. But even for you veteran Guardians out there, there are a few changes to note. With this being the first weekly reset since Oryx's arrival, things might be a bit confusing.

For starters, Heroic Strikes have been removed in Year Two, and in their place is the Vanguard Heroic Playlist. As previously explained, "Players receive bonus Legendary Marks from the Weekly Heroic Playlist… at the Account level rather than the character leve." This is to encourage players to focus on a single character more, "or feel less pressure to gear three characters at once for Legendary Marks." The Vanguard Heroic Strike requires your Guardian be level 40 with a recommended light level of 280.

The Weekly Nightfall has also undergone a few changes. In addition to Burn skulls, the Nightfall burn resist talents found on each chest pieces will rotate armor. The death penalty of kicking you into orbit after team wipes has also been removed. Here's this week's Nightfall: Fallen S.A.B.E.R. (requires The Taken King expansion). Modifiers include:

  • Epic – Heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers.
  • Void Burn – Void Damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Berserk – (the new Angry) Enemies don't flinch.
  • Specialist – Secondary Weapon damage is favored.
  • Trickle – Recharge of abilities is significantly reduced.

And here is this week's Prison of Elders Arenas:

Prison of Elders Level 32: Machine Wrath

The Reef, Asteroid Belt: Archon Servants have raised their own corrupted Servitor-god, Kaliks Reborn. Defeat it and be rewarded.

Round Enemy Objective Modifier(s)
1 Cabal No Objective Specialist – Special Weapon damage is favored.
2 Fallen Destroy Mines Lightswitch – Minions of the Darkness deal much more melee damage.
3 Fallen No Objective Airborne – Players deal more damage while in the air.
4 Fallen Dismantle Mines Exposure – Guardian shields are increased but do not replenish.
5 Fallen Kill the Boss – Kaliks Grounded – Players take more damage while airborne.

Prison of Elders Level 34: Cult of the Worm

The Reef, Asteroid Belt: Gulrot, Unclean has been summoned by the Worm Keepers. Don't let the beast's filth spread beyond the prison.

Round Enemy Objective Modifier(s)
1 Vex No Objective Airborne – Players deal more damage while in the air.
2 Hive Eliminate the Target Grounded – Players take more damage while airborne.
3 Vex No Objective Void Burn – Void Damage from any source is greatly increased.
4 Hive Destroy Mines Angry – Minions of the Darkness won't flinch, even after massive damage.
5 Hive Kill the Boss – Gulrot Exposure – Guardian shields are increased but do not replenish.

Prison of Elders Level 35: Skolas's Revenge

The Reef, Asteroid Belt: Skolas and his crew challenge the Guardians who captured him. Face him with a Fireteam of three. End him.

Round Enemy Objective Modifier(s)
1 Hive No Objective Exposure – Guardian shields are increased but do not replenish.
      Brawler – Guardian Melee damage is greatly increased.
2 Vex Destroy Mines Grounded – Players take more damage while airborne.
      Airborne – Players deal more damage while in the air.
3 Cabal Dismantle Mines Catapult – Grenade recharge rate is greatly increased.
      Arc Burn – Arc Damage from any source is greatly increased.
4 Fallen Eliminate the Target Specialist – Special Weapon damage is favored.
      Juggler – No ammo drops for your equipped weapon.
5 Fallen Kill the Boss – Servitor Trickle – Recharge of abilities is significantly reduced.
      Small Arms – Primary Weapon damage is favored.
6 Boss Kill the Boss – Skolas