Players who start their Destiny adventure will be able to transfer their saves from last generation consoles (Xbox 360 and PS3) to this gen (Xbox One and PS4).
"We're interested in making sure that last gen character can move to next gen," investment lead Tyson Green told Polygon. "A lot of people are going to buy Destiny on PS3 or Xbox 360 and then get a PS4 for Christmas. Don't tell me I wasted those last 100 hours there. So we're really interested in supporting that."
"Our longer-term platform plans, I couldn't speak to right now. But we don't want to lock people in."
Green didn't get into specifics regarding transfers, but if it's anything like we've seen in the past then you can expect the transfers to stay in the family, meaning Xbox 360 to Xbox One and PS3 to PS4 only.
Yesterday, Bungie released seven minutes of co-op gameplay footage in the Devils' Lair.