Destiny: Xur to remain in the Tower until Monday

There's still time to visit the mysterious weekend vendor

As a result of the ongoing issues with PlayStation Network that stemmed from a series of DDoS attacks throughout the week, Bungie has decided to extend the visit of Destiny's mysterious weekend vendor, Xur, Agent of the Nine.

Xur normally appears in the Tower every Friday and stays until early Sunday morning; however, since PSN was down for the majority of his visit, many players on PlayStation platforms were unable to take a look at his Exotic goods this week. Rather than miss out on a weekend of Exotic weapon and armor upgrades, Xur, like Cousin Eddie, will stay a bit longer than intended.

We understand that Xur has been hard to reach for a lot of you this weekend, so we’re going to extend his stay. Our current plan is to allow him to remain in the Tower with his current inventory until Monday night at 10pm PST, just before the weekly reset. We’ll also keep an eye on the overall situation, and prolong the extension, as needed, for as long as is feasible. 

As of right now, PSN is online for PS4 and PS3; however, Sony warns that "intermittency may be experienced when accessing some network services." Bungie will continue to monitor the situation, and assuming PSN connection remains stable, Xur will return to his regular weekend schedule, with refreshed inventory next week (thank God, 'cause this week's items stink!).

For those who have yet to visit Xur this weekend, here's a look at his location and the Exotic items he's selling/upgrading.