Deus Ex: CNN brand studio ‘Courageous’ to produce ‘Human Augmentation: Human by Design’ conference in August

Is Augmentation a human right?

On August 23rd, we will see the next iteration in the Deus Ex franchise, Mankind Divided. The game focuses the social strain that human augmentation can cause between the augmented and "naturals"– warranted or not. 

In light of the divisive issue, Square Enix teamed up with a number of doctors, Transhumanist philosopher Dr. Natasha Vita-More and augmentation pioneer and former U.S. Navy engineer Adam Arabian, along with Christian ethicist and moral philosopher E. Christian Brugger and Dr. Steve Mann, victim of the first cyborg hate crime, will delve into the morality and ethics of human augmentation to delve deeper into the issue of augmentation.

On August 3, 2016, CNN’s brand studio Courageous will host 'The Human By Design' conference, hoping to bring to light debate, question, and challenge what it means to be human with the greatest minds. 

If human augmentation became as pervasive as in Deus Ex, what do you think the outcome would be?