Dev launches episodic video postmortem on Treasure Adventure Game

OK, if you read my last post, I'm assuming you downloaded Treasure Adventure Game already. If that's the case, then what are you doing? You should be playing the game instead of sitting here and reading this!

Well, as long as I have your attention, then you may be interested to know that Treasure Adventure Game developer Robit Studios just released a video postmortem on the game. It's going to be in episodic fashion, with Robit's Stephen Orlando playing through the game and giving his thoughts.

In the first episode, which you can watch on YouTube, Orlando discusses several aspects of Treasure Adventure Game, including the opening story sequence (which is said to be a bit too lengthy), the overall design of the game's world, the music, and more. He really touches on several elements, even discussing the ability to give the game's protagonist different hats to add a personalized touch to Treasure Adventure Game.

It's interesting stuff, and I enjoyed the first episode. If you have yet to play Treasure Adventure Game, you may not want to watch the postmortem just yet. If you already played the game, though, be sure to check it out, as Orlando gives some cool insight on his impressive video game project.