Devil May Cry’s Dante and Vergil to be immortalized in new figures

Based on DMC4

Figurine manufacturer Kinetiquettes is hard at work on multiple Devil May Cry figures featuring main characters Dante and Vergil.

Dante and Vergil will receive two figures each, Capcom clarified in a blog post, to highlight their normal and Devil Trigger attacks. All four figures are based on the character art of Devil May Cry 4’s Special Edition.

In his normal figure, Dante brandishes his handguns, Ebony and Ivory, but only breaks out the iconic Rebellion sword in his Devil Trigger model. Vergil, meanwhile, unsheathes his katana, Yamato, in his Devil Trigger incarnation.Devil May Cry’s Dante and Vergil to be immortalized in new figures

The Devil May Cry – Sons of Sparda figures have not yet been priced, but judging from Kinettiquettes other products, a price tag around $300 can be expected. Pre-orders will open later this year.

Kinettiquettes was founded by a team of enthusiastic collectors who collectively have over 40 years of experience in video game development and animation. The studio is particularly prolific in art prints and statues depicting Street Fighter characters, including Chun-Li, Ryu and Akuma.

Source: Capcom