Diablo 3 producer Rob Pardo: Direct the blame at me

Last week, Diablo 3 game director Jay Wilson stepped down from his role in order to move to a new project in Blizzard. What should've have been a respectable goodbye thread celebrating his departure from the Diablo 3 team and moving on to another project, quickly turned into a thread filled with hate. Coming to Wilson's defense was executive producer Rob Pardo.

"I know that the Battle.net forums have earned a reputation for rough justice, but I do not believe justice is being served by how people are speaking about Jay’s departure from Diablo 3," Pardo wrote in response to the negative posts on Wilson's departure.

I am very proud of the Diablo franchise and what the team was able to accomplish with Diablo 3. As a gamer I have enjoyed the game and played for many, many nights with friends and family. I’m not, however, going to use that as an excuse. The Diablo community deserves an even better game from Blizzard and we are committed to improving it. We have a talented team in place and have no intention of stopping work on Diablo 3 until it is the best game in the franchise.

I’m the only person in this thread who has actually worked with Jay. I hired Jay to head up the Diablo project and had the pleasure of getting to work with him, both in building the team and designing the game. He has great design instincts and has added so much to the franchise with his feel for visceral combat, boss battles, and an unparalleled knack for making it fun to smash bad guys. I’ve worked with many, many designers at Blizzard and Jay is one of the best. He has a great career at Blizzard ahead of him and I guarantee that you will enjoy Jay’s game designs in future Blizzard games.

A lot of the fan backlash had to do with a rough launch experience and many new features being implemented in Diablo 3 — namely the auction houses, new leveling systems, and lack of PvP. But if there is one person who deserves the blame, Pardo insists it's him.

"If you still feel the need to dish out blame, then I would prefer you direct it at me. I was the executive producer on the project; I hired Jay and I gave him advice and direction throughout the development process," Pardo concluded. "I was ultimately responsible for the game we released and take full responsibility for the quality of the result."