DICE agrees that Star Wars Battlefront’s ‘Walker Assault’ mode is unbalanced

It will be fixed.

If there was one glaring take-away from the Star Wars: Battlefront beta, it would be that winning Walker Assault as a Rebel was simply too damn hard. If it took a lot of deaths to win a single match of the game mode as a Rebel, you're not alone. Plenty of people died with you and DICE has noticed it — which is the point of a game beta.

Taking to Twitter DICE's community manager Matthew Everett and lead multiplayer designer Dennis Brännvall announced that players didn't 'suck' because the Rebels lost more than half the time, but because the game is unbalanced and it will be fixed.

So, there's that – the Battlefront beta has given the team plenty of feedback and is going to get a balance check. Hopefully we see another beta after they 'balance' it.