DICE: Can’t “Promise” Changes to Battlefield 3 UI

Today, Battlefield 3's Core Gameplay Designer Alan Kertz fielded fan questions on Reddit.  Although he couldn't comment on some things BF3 related, we did get some answers to many questions users have been asking since launch.

One of the major questions include a overhaul to the UI.  Kertz responded to a fan's question reguarding changes to the minimap "and various smaller tweaks to ensure it is a lot more functional than the current one".

"We're aware that there are areas of improvement, and the community has been kind enough to design solutions, many of which are excellent. We take your feedback seriously insert marketing speak," responded Kertz.

Kertz continued, "I really can't give you a when, or a promise even. Just… We hear you."

Well, there you have it.  No real answer, but at least they are listening.  Would you like to see a new user interface for Battlefield 3?


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