DICE responds to apparent post-patch Battlefield 1 PS4, PC graphics downgrade

Oooh no.

DICE hit Battlefield 1 with a patch last week and while it brought a couple of nice changes, it also brought some unfortunate changes. After the update hit, PlayStation 4 and PC users noticed a pretty big difference in the game's graphics – it looked like things had been downgraded.

The downgrade has been reported on PS4, PS4 Pro, and PC, with FPS drops. One DICE developer has commented on the apparent downgrade via Twitter, saying that "Graphics had not been downgraded."

One forum user supplied a picture of the same level, before and after the patch, on the same graphics settings and there was quite a different.

Before the patch:


After the patch:


The same developer, Producer David Sirland, went on to say that there were "tweaks made to texture pools on all levels" which could "result in a lower res version getting loaded." He also went on to say that these 'tweaks' could improve missing weapons and spawn issues.

On the forums, the develops stated that they were aware of the issues and investigating.