Director of The New Mutants is planning a trilogy in different horror subgenres

Fox will continue to take risks with their Marvel IP.

Last week, Fox revealed the trailer for their brand new X-Men spin-off based on the New Mutants comic. The film will throw out all of the traditional superhero tropes in exchange for taking on the atmosphere of a horror film. The film proves that Fox is willing to continue to take risk with their major Marvel IP like they did with Logan and Deadpool.

It's hard to say how the movie will actually turn out once it hits theaters early 2018 but if it does see success, director Josh Boone has plans for a horror trilogy that will tackle other types of subgenres. Speaking with IGN, Boone revealed how they approached this film and how they will move forward with potential sequels.

"These are all going to be horror movies, and they’re all going to be their own distinct kind of horror movies,” he told the site. “This [first one] is certainly the ‘rubber-reality’ supernatural horror movie. The next one will be a completely different kind of horror movie.”

Boone continued, “Our take was to examine the horror genre through comic book movies and make each one its own distinct sort of horror film. Drawing from the big events that we love in the comics.”

Could we potentially see a found footage X-Men film? It doesn't sound like it's completely out of the question. What types of horror would you like to see the New Mutants trilogy tackle? Let us know in the comments below.

The New Mutants releases on April 13th, 2018.