Dishonored 2 gets gruesome gameplay at Gamescom 2016

This game keeps looking better and better.

Betheseda recently dropped quite a bit of information on the Dishonored 2 protagonists, Emily and Corvo, but now it's time to show off what they do best: kill. A new gameplay video for Dishonored 2 shows off Empress Emily using her skills to get the job done.

In testing, Emily's powers have already been combined in ways the team didn't foresee. One of her coolest abilities, besides turning into that shadowy demon, is her Domino ability allows the player to link together a chain of enemies, when you kill one enemy the rest of the enemies linked together will die, like a domino effect. 

Check out the Domino ability in the video above!

Dishonored 2 will release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC globally on November 11, 2016.