Disney Infinity Toy Box World Creation trailer shows unlimited possibilities

There's less than two months until Disney Infinity releases; that's almost two months worth of new trailers, pictures and possibilities that we can see to build our hype for the game! 

I'm more than a little enthusiastic, yes, but I think of the countless hours my children and I could spend playing this game and creating and it's tough not to be excited. Today's trailer released by Disney Interactive certainly adds to that excitement. The new video shows the world creation aspect of Disney Infinity's Toy Box mode. In Toy Box mode, players can combine Disney and Pixar's most popular characters and worlds, creating their own worlds, experiences and games.

At the player's disposal are tools like a logic editor, tutorials, and the option to build your own environments or use pre-built templates. You want to have a floating race track? You can build that. How about a massive version of Cinderella's castle (the one from Disney World) with rings of fire? Yea, you can have that. Create mini-games, obstacle courses, sports games, race tracks and arcade games.

You can do it all.

Disney Infinity releases this August on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U, Wii and Nintendo 3DS. 

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at [email protected]