Disney shot Rogue One scenes exclusively for the trailers

They just looked cool, so they filmed them!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was one of the biggest movies of 2016. It made tons of money, holds a lot of secrets and easter eggs, and has some really unique filmmaking techniques. Lots of people loved the movie, but there was one big complaint from many people: the trailers show scenes that aren't in the movie at all.

Some people felt mislead, but others were glad because it meant less of the movie was spoiled for them! Director Gareth Edwards gave some insight on how these shots came to be. Edwards said on The Directors Cut podcast that every day the crew would have an "Indie Hour" where they filmed random things just for fun.

"It was just a way for the crew of understanding, for now, we’re just going to do loads of random shit. Don’t try to ask, we can’t explain. It would just be things I thought were a beautiful moment or ‘This is a great idea’ and a lot of the stuff in the trailer ended up through that process."

Edwards then went on to talk about that really iconic shot of Jyn turning around while those lights turn on behind her. It just happened by sheer coincidence!

"We finished a shot and [Felicity Jones] was just walking to the next shot, which was at the end of the tunnel. And as she walked, someone switched the lights on and the way they turned on they went *clickclickclick* like this. Someone called her, and she just turned around a little bit and I was like, “Oh my god that looked great.” And I was like “Stop stop stop!” and everyone stopped. “This will take 10 seconds, just roll camera”….Then obviously 10 seconds turned into a half hour, and we probably did 17 takes. So that ended and there’s that feeling of, “Well what was that for?” And I was like, “I don’t know, that just felt good."”

Edwards said this made the movie a bit more difficult to edit because they had so much footage.

“It’s like running around the supermarket,” he said. “You’re just grabbing everything. People say ‘What are you going to cook?’ and you go, ‘I don’t know. The shop closes in 10 minutes and we’re not coming back in, grab everything.’”

There were scenes that were cut from the movie or reshot (including the movie's ending), and the editors on the film discussed some of those scenes in a recent interview.