DmC Devil May Cry trailer celebrates upcoming release

Capcom has released a new CG trailer for upcoming action game DmC Devil May Cry.

The video shows game protagonist Dante walking through what seems to be Limbo City as it gets torn apart by demons. After fighting his way through scores of demons he tells the boss to warn them that "he's coming."

It's a pretty badass trailer that should get fans of the series exciting — regardless of how they feel about Dante's new younger look. Seeing him with short white hair is also pretty cool, but I will admit that his voice seems a little whiny. Still, if the combat is awesome enough, I think I can look past it.

​The demo for DmC Devil May Cry is now available for Xbox 360 and PS3. The game's release is January 15, 2013 for consoles and January 25, 2013 for PC.